Department of Physiology and Pharmacology
Sapienza University of Rome
Born in Anacapri (Naples), Italy, Dec. 3rd, 1947. Graduated in Medicine in 1971, is Full Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy. Author of more than 250 publications, most of them published in peer-reviewed journals (including Nature Medicine, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Pharmacological Reviews, The Journal of Neuroscience, Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, etc). Editor of books (Raven Press, N.Y.) in the field of Neuropharmacology and Neurotoxicology. More recently he has explored the role of endocannabinoids and related lipid signals in the modulation of cognitive functions, feeding behavior, and psychiatric disorders. He has carried out part of his research activity in Switzerland (Institut fur Toxicologie der Universitat, Zurich) and in USA (Dept. of Environmental Health Sciences, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD). General Secretary of the Italian Society of Toxicology (1986-1992), Temporary Adviser of WHO and Member of the Steering Committee of WHO/IPCS (Neurotoxicity Assessment 1989-1995), Member of the Executive Committee of EUROTOX (1991-1993) and Italian Society of Neurosciences (1993-1996), President of the Italian Society of Pharmacology (1999-2003). Member of National University Council (2006-2010), Member of the Scientific Committee of the School of Pharmacy at the University of “Tor Vergata”, Rome (2008-present), Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Italian Institute of Technology (2009-present). Scientific coordinator of projects funded by WHO, EPA, Italian Ministry of Education, National Research Council, Italian Ministry of Health. Referee for international journals of Pharmacology and Toxicology and for national and international research grant applications.
Author of more than 250 publications on scientific journals and of several books and book chapters in the field of Neuropharmacology and Neurotoxicology. Dr Cuomo’s research activity has been mainly addressed to the evaluation of neurobehavioural, neurochemical and electrophysiological changes produced in rats by the developmental exposure to psychotherapeutic agents, drugs of abuse, and environmental chemicals. More recently he has explored the effects of chemicals influencing the endocannabinoid system in animal models of psychiatric disorders. In particular, he has explored the role of endocannabinoids and related lipid signals in the modulation of cognitive functions, feeding behaviour, anxiety and mood tone.
All these researches have been funded by WHO, EPA, Italian Ministry of Education, National Research Council, Italian Ministry of Health.
Department of Pharmaceutical & Administrative Science
Western New England University
United States
Associate Vice President of Global Medical Development
College of Pharmacy & Morsani College of Medicine
University of South Florida
United States
Western University of Health Sciences
College of Pharmacy
United States
Pharmaceutical Sciences & Biomedical Engineering
University of Tennessee Health Science Center
United States
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
United States
Department of Pharmacology
University of Toledo
United States
Graduate Institute of Natural Products
Chang Gung University of Science and Technology
School of Health Sciences
Macao Polytechnic Institute
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, School of Pharmacy
The University of Kansas
United States
Department of Clinical Pharmacology
Dalian Medical University
Department of Pharmaceutics
School of Pharmacy
Fudan University
Department of Clinical Pharmacy
School of Pharmacy, Fudan University
Faculty of Sciences and Techniques Errachidia
Moulay Ismail University
Kayyali Chair for Pharmaceutical Industries
Department of Pharmaceutics
king Saud University
Saudi Arabia
Department of Physiology & Pharmacology
Center for Cardiovascular and Respiratory Sciences
West Virginia University
United States
Department of Pharmaceutics
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
Deputy Head of Drug Analysis & Pharmacokinetics Core
National University of Singapore
Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience
Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Univeristy of Nebraska Medical Center
United States
Miller School of Medicine
University of Miami
United States
Department of Natural Sciences
Kathmandu University
Department of Pharmacy
University of Naples Federico II
Department of Pharmacy
The University of Manitoba
Fellow Faculty of Pharmacy
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
School of Pharmacy
Taylor's University
Department of Pharmaceutics
Roland Institute of Pharmaceutical sciences
Department of Pharmaceutics
Rayat -Bahra University
University Institute of Chemical Technology
North Maharashtra University
Associate Professor
Department of Pharmacology
Rajendra Institute of Technology & Sciences
Department of Pharmacology
Junagadh Agricultural University