Department of Environmental Engineering
Yildiz Techinal University
Dr. Kaan Yetilmezsoy is an Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering Department, Civil Engineering Faculty, at Yildiz Technical University, Turkey. He received PhD in Environmental Engineering from Yildiz Technical University. He has served as the Peer Reviewer of 67 Journals. He has also served as the Ad Hoc Reviewer for two project proposals submitted to United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program (Small and Mid-Size Farms, Phase I and II). He has 115 publications including 86 refereed international (SCI/SCI-Expanded indexed) and 10 national journal papers, 15 conference proceedings, 1 international book chapter, and 3 books entitled Water Supply and Sewerage Applications, Operating Principles of Water Treatment Plants, and Statistics and Experimental Design for Environmental Engineers. His papers got 1986 citations including peer-reviewed journal papers, conference proceedings, thesis and scientific books. His h-index and i-index are 21 and 38, respectively.
In the last 11 years, he has performed research in the areas of anaerobic digestion technology artificial intelligence-based modeling and computation in Environmental Engineering. He has been Supervisor for 34 theses including graduate and 25 undergraduate degrees. He also developed two new courses and taught at Department of Environmental Engineering, Yildiz Technical University. He also developed several new empirical equations dealing with optimum body diameter of air cyclones, required retention time in hindered settling, volume of completely mixed activated sludge reactor, packed tower design in physical ammonia absorption, dimensionless kinetic coefficient (inhibition parameter) for poultry wastes, waste sludge flow rate and aeration parameters in the steady-state completely mixed activated sludge process. He is a recipient of 43 major awards from Turkish Scientific and Technologic Research Association (TUBITAK), Rectorship of Yildiz Technical University and other institutions.
Dr. Kaan Yetilmezsoy’s areas of interest include design of water and wastewater treatment plants, post-treatment technologies, fluid mechanics and hydraulics, environmental modeling, linear/non-linear regression analysis-based modeling, artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic, adaptive neurofuzzy inference systems (ANFIS), statistical analysis, verification and validation methods, parametric and non-parametric tests, numerical analysis, anaerobic digestion processes, post-treatment technologies, MAP precipitation, Fenton's oxidation, composite desirability functions, empirical modeling, absorption tower (packed tower) design, kinetic modeling, RSM-based experimental design, multi-objective optimization techniques, MATLAB® programming, and scientific computation for engineers.
Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute