Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development
University of Minnesota
United States
Dr. Brian G. Van Ness is currently working as a Professor in the Department of Genetics, Cell Biology and Development at the University of Minnesota. He served as the Head of the Department and also as a Director of the Institute of Human Genetics and Director of a newly established Division of Medical Genomics. He received his Ph.D. in Biochemistry from University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, United States. His current research focuses on exploring how genetic variations influence disease progression and therapeutic response, particularly with regard to myeloma. He has published over 150 papers on his research studies. He serves on the Scientific Advisory Board of the International Myeloma Foundation as well as GeneSpark; and consults for genomic diagnostic companies as well as Law firms.
Dr. Brian G. Van Ness is Founder and CEO of a new company, Target Genomics, LLC (www.targetgenomics.com) that focuses on guiding healthcare providers on the use of genomics. He has been active in regulatory and legal issues in genomics, both as expert consultant in patent litigation, as well as a member of an NIH supported committee, making recommendations on ethics and return of genetic results. He also teaches classes in Molecular Biology & Society, Ethics & Public Policy, and created a joint course with the Law School, “Genetics & Law.”
Dr. Brian G. Van Ness’s focus is on defining genetic signatures that predict therapeutic response and resistance in hematologic cancers, genomic and pharmacogenomic analyses. Developing national recommendations for ethical considerations in collecting and returning genetic results.
Department of Physiology and Pharmacology
The University of Toledo College of Medicine
United States
Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics and General Pathology
Second University of Naples
Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences
China Medical University